Daily Hand Care Routine

Daily Hand Care Routine

Daily Hand Care Routine 

Our hands have to endure a lot nowadays. By constantly washing them with soap and disinfecting them with alcohol, they become completely dehydrated at the end of the day. We sometimes forget that we have to take care of them too.

And while we're on the subject of care, what could be better than the care of pure roses? Our Hand Hygiene Gel is a disinfecting hand gel, also called a ''dry wash'' and is perfect to have in your handbag. This way you have a good product every time you need to disinfect your hands and your hands smell like roses instead of alcohol. 

Once you've disinfected your hands, it's time to give them the necessary hydration as well. Use our Signature Hand Cream to nourish them with pure roses. The hand cream contains natural rose oil and black caviar complex. It is rich in antioxidants and restores the elasticity and softness of the skin. 

Perfect match for your daily hand care routine! 


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